Island Tracker

Animal Crossing turnip tracking with friends

Island Tracker is the ultimate Animal Crossing New Horizons app to help you get the most out of your turnips by getting daily predictions and sharing your prices with friends.

  • Get predictions and trends so you know when to sell
  • Share turnip prices with up to 10 friends
  • Easiest way to share switch friend codes!
  • Ensure you always get the most $ for your turnips
  • Helpful turnip calculators

Island Tracker is here so you never have to mass text message your friends again asking them for their turnip prices. Create your friend list, share turnip prices, get rewarded in Animal Crossing!


"This is superior to our former shared-spreadsheet solution. I am already debating whether emoji status ✨ or 🦉 should mean 'come talk to Celeste'... 🦊🖼... 🐫🎟... 🦥🌱..." - Vanessa N.

"The UI looks glorious." - Miguel de Icaza


Awesome Stuff

unnamed (3)

Helpful Turnip Tracking Calculators